


Land adjacent to 45 Northcourt Road Abingdon, OX14 1PJ






Outline application to consider the matters of access, layout and scale for a 2 bedroom chalet bungalow, 2-storey with an integral single garage


(As amended through revised plans)




Cheryl Briggs

Helen Pighills



Mr G Swindells



Katherine Canavan






It is recommended that outline permission is granted subject to the following conditions:




Work to commence within 3 years, and only once reserved matters have been submitted and approved

In accordance with approved plans



Tree protection (detailed)

Surface water drainage scheme

Construction method statement



Implementation of parking and turning areas



Permitted development restriction – garage retained for parking

Permitted development restriction – no roof alterations, extensions or outbuildings





The application is referred to Planning Committee by Ward Councillor call-in regarding the following concerns:

·         Impact of the siting of the dwelling on the amenity of the occupants of no 45

·         Vehicle manoeuvrability within the site

·         Impact of the design of the property on the conservation area




The site is accessed off Northcourt Road via a driveway which runs between no 49 and the Co-op site. The site has been subdivided with the western part forming no 45, and the eastern part having been sold off and comprising the application site. Access to both areas of land is via a single driveway.




To the rear of the site are apartment buildings and associated garages, accessed via Shelley Close. The northern edge of the site is screened by a high hedge. To the south of the site is the Grade II listed building, no 49, which fronts onto Northcourt Road. No 45, the area in front of the proposed bungalow, and the driveway, wrap round the rear garden of no 49. Land to the east includes the Co-op and associated parking. A pair of semi-detached dwellings, nos 61 and 63 Shelley Close, are located adjoining the north-east corner of the site. A site location plan is below.








Area designations and site constraints

·         The driveway falls within the Abingdon - Northcourt Conservation Area. The rest of the application site, and no 45, fall outside the conservation area.

·         No 49 (to the south of the site) is a Grade II listed building. Buildings on the southern edge of Northcourt Road are also listed.

·         There is a Pine tree within the site to the North (garage area associated with Shelley Close) and close to the northern boundary of this site which is the subject to a tree preservation order.








The applicant seeks outline permission for a two bedroom chalet bungalow, two-storeys with an integral single garage. The matters of principle, access, layout and scale only are before Planning Committee for consideration.




During the course of the application the following changes were made:

·         Tree protection information and vehicle tracking detail submitted

·         Removal of the parking space on the driveway, in the conservation area

·         Revisions to plans to increase the distance between the front of no 45 and the side of the proposed dwelling

·         Revisions to plans to clarify the position and layout of the site, and to redesign the porch.


A copy of the latest plans is attached at Appendix 1.




Background to the application

Planning permission was granted for a two-bedroom chalet bungalow (and alterations to no 45) under planning reference P15/V0256/FUL in 2015. A further permission was granted for the same works in 2018. Under P18/V0729/FUL the alterations to no 45 were carried out so the permission is extant even though work on the bungalow has not started. In November 2021 the ‘bungalow’ part of the site was sold. The driveway was retained in the original ownership, but would continue to provide access to both sites.




At this point it was discovered that area calculations for the site, which were based on Ordnance Survey plans, were inaccurate at the level of detail required to build out the bungalow. A detailed topographical survey of the site established that the permitted plans could not be fitted within the dimensions of the site, as measured on the ground, and amendments to the plans would be required to be able to accommodate the chalet bungalow on the plot.




For this reason the new owner has submitted updated proposal plans, along with the updated topographical survey, to demonstrate how the bungalow would sit on the site, using the corrected site measurements. For clarification and comparison, the current proposal has been shown on plans in relation to the permitted position of the chalet bungalow, and the previously approved height, width and length.






A summary of the responses received is below.  Full comments can be viewed online at:




Abingdon Town Council

January amendment – No further response


Original response – no objection


Conservation Officer

January amendment – no objection, subject to schedule of materials, and of details of
any new walls or hard and soft landscaping specifically to the site entrance, to be secured by condition


Original response – no objection, subject to schedule of materials to be secured by condition


Drainage Engineer

January amendment – No further response


Original response – no objection, subject to drainage condition


Forestry Officer

January amendment – no objection, subject to detailed tree protection condition


Original response – no objection, subject to detailed tree protection condition


Oxfordshire County Council – Highways Officer

January amendment – no objection, subject to conditions


Original response – no objection, subject to parking being provided to standard, and tracking details being shown on plan.


Waste Management Officer

No objection

Officers have no comment to make on the application


Utilities Advice – Gas and Electricity

Standard guidance provided






Nine neighbour objections were put forward as part of the consultation process, and subsequent consultation on revised plans.


January revisions:


General points

·      The revised plans have increased the distance between the front of no 45 and the side of the proposed dwelling, altered the porch and removed the parking space on the driveway

·      In all other respects previous concerns do not appear to have been addressed, and previous objections stand.


Original proposal:


Impact on amenity

·      Moving the bungalow forward (towards no 49) and nearer to no. 45, will obscure the front windows no 45 and greatly reduce light

·      The introduction of a third window on the front elevation will adversely affect the garden privacy of no 49


·      The new design is not appropriate to the very small site, and represents overdevelopment The elongated roof and loss of the hipped ends is unsightly. The roof is no longer symmetrical.

·      The roof design will be overbearing impact on no 45.

·      The porchway encroaches onto the passageway to no 45, restricting parking and manoeuvrability for no 45

Parking and manoeuvrability

·      The re-siting of the property reduces turning and parking space for no. 45

·      The parking space adjacent to the boundary with the Co-op should be the correct size specified in the highway standards

Heritage impact

·      The scale and design of the building are not sympathetic with the conservation area.

·      The proposed parking space on the driveway in the conservation area is harmful

·      The introduction of a third window on the front elevation will adversely affect the setting of the listed building (no 49)





P18/V0729/FUL - Approved (13/06/2018)

Resubmission of granted planning permission P15/V0256/FUL

(Demolition of existing flat roof extensions and replace with smaller single storey side extensions, new single garage and render to first floor elevations. Erection of new two-bedroom chalet bungalow with parking, waste storage and access.)


P15/V2563/DIS - Withdrawn (13/11/2015)

Discharge of conditions 3, 4, 6 and 7 on application P15/V0256/FUL


P15/V0256/FUL - Approved (30/04/2015)

Demolition of existing flat roof extensions and replace with smaller single storey side extensions, new single garage and render to first floor elevations. Erection of new two bedroom chalet bungalow with parking, waste storage and access. (Re-submission of withdrawn application P14/V2240/FUL) (as amended by plans 011A and 005 A received 13 April 2015.)


P14/V2240/FUL - Withdrawn (28/11/2014)

Demolition of existing extensions and erection of new single storey side extensions, new single garage and timber cladding to first floor.  Erection of two 3-bedroom dwellings with associated parking and access.


P14/V1366/PEM - Advice provided (04/07/2014)

Erect three new dwellings.






The scale of the development and size of the site are below the EIA thresholds, and the site is not designated as a ‘sensitive’ area. The proposal is not EIA development.





The main planning considerations in this case are:


1.    The principle of residential development

2.    Layout

3.    Access

4.    Scale

5.    Technical matters



The principle of residential development


The Council’s Local Plan 2031 Part 1 (adopted 2016) (LPP1) sets out the spatial strategy and strategic policies across the Council area to deliver sustainable development, including the provision to be made for housing.

Policy CP3 of the LPP1 devises a settlement hierarchy approach, steering new development to sustainable locations. Policy CP4 of the LPP1 goes on to set out how the housing needs will be met. There is a presumption in favour of sustainable development within the existing built area of Market Towns, Local Service Centres and Larger Villages in accordance with CP1.



The site is located within the neighbourhood centre of Northcourt to the north of Abingdon. Abingdon is classed as a market town in the hierarchy settlement, and is considered a location suitable to support new residential development.  The proposal site is located within a sustainable location with access to services, facilities and public transport links, being within walking distance of the Co-op, Barns café, local shops, schools and college. The centre of Abingdon can be reached within 20 minutes on foot and by bus, and there are public transport links to Oxford, Didcot and Radley Railway Station. The principle of the residential development in this location is acceptable from a spatial perspective, and conforms to policies CP1, CP3 and CP4 of the LPP1.



This is an outline planning application, and the matters to be considered are layout, access and scale. The details to be considered as reserved matters are design, appearance, space standards, internal layout, landscaping and boundary treatment. Although an indicative design has been included at this stage, these details are not for consideration as part of the outline application.



Principle policy matters such as relationship with other properties, site constraints and area designations (for example, conservation area, setting of listed building, TPO trees), and parking and manoeuvrability with the site will also be considered to ensure that the principle of one dwelling with the proposed scale and footprint can be accommodated on the site, while still conforming to policy requirements, ie at the point a proposal is considered at reserved matters stage, there should be no key policy conflicts. 






Relationship with other properties

The application site comprises an area of land formerly part of no 45. No 45 is located to the west, and the bungalow site is on the eastern part of the site, but both properties would continue to use the same driveway. Access to no 45 would be on land in front of the proposed dwelling, across land belonging to the bungalow occupants. The previously approved position of the bungalow is shown by the dashed lines. 






Slicing the site west to east (centrally), the available space measures 25m wide. This allows for a separation distance from the front elevation of no 45 to the side elevation of the bungalow of 7.4m, the width of the bungalow as 13.6m, and a single parking space measuring 4m wide.



Slicing the site south to north (centrally), the available space measures 21m. This allows for a 6m wide driveway in front of the bungalow, the depth of the bungalow as 8m, a back garden depth of 6m and a hedge depth of 1m.



Revised plans have increased the separation distance between the front of no 46 and the side elevation of the bungalow. This layout allows for vehicles to move around the site, and provides suitable access to both properties. It is noted that the current layout provides a greater separation distance from the layout approved under P18/V0729/FUL by virtue of the corrected site measurements.



The position of the front and rear elevations of the bungalow are largely unchanged from the previously approved proposal, and continue to align with the front elevation of no 45 in the same way.



Officers are satisfied that the proposal can be accommodated on the plot with the proposed layout, while maintaining a suitable relationship with, and buffer to, the front of no. 45, and access in front of the bungalow. The development accords with policies DP23 and DP24 of the LPP2.



Parking and manoeuvrability

Tracking information has been provided to demonstrate that:

·         There is sufficient space for vehicles to enter from the driveway, drive in front of the proposed bungalow, and in front of no 45 to access parking spaces serving no 45.

·         Two parking spaces have been provided for the bungalow, in accordance with highways standards for a property of this size, and taking into account the sustainability of the location. The size of the spaces accord with Oxfordshire Parking Standards.

·         Tracking details have been provided to show that a 6.2m deep space can be provided between the proposed garage entrance and the fence (boundary with no 49), and serving the parking space (adjacent to the boundary with the Co-op). 6m is required to meet parking standards and the layout meets these requirements.


Subject to the parking spaces, and use of the garage being retained as a second parking space, being secured by condition, the layout meets Highways standards and complies with policy DP16 of the LPP2.



Trees and landscaping

There is a Pine tree within the site to the North and close to the northern

boundary of this site which is the subject to a tree preservation order and some

of the trees along the access drive that are protected as they within the

conservation area. The tree which is the subject of the tree preservation order

is very high in arboricultural value and is very prominent in the street scene.



Due to the existing site conditions, with a large amount of existing hard

surfacing being present in site of the proposed dwelling, the proposal is unlikely

to impact on the Pine tree. The existing surfacing will have to be removed

carefully where within the Pine tree’s root protection area, to minimise root

disturbance and suitable tree protection measures will have to be implemented

during demolition and construction works.



The proposed parking space on the driveway, within the conservation area and close to mature trees has been removed through revised plans. These trees are protected by being in the conservation area. Tree protection details secured by condition will extend to these trees as well, to ensure they are not at risk of being damaged during construction.



There is sufficient space within the application site to secure a landscaping scheme, the detail of which can be considered at reserved matters stage.



Subject to a condition to secure a detailed Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree Protection Plan, the layout can be delivered without harming the protected pine tree and trees along the drive within the conservation area. The proposal is in accordance with Policies CP39 and CP44 of the LPP1, and Policies DP36, DP37 and DP38 of the LPP2.



Outdoor space

The depth of the garden is 6.6m to the boundary at its shallowest point, and 7.6m at its deepest. The Joint Design Guide sets out that 50sqm of private amenity space should be provided for 2-bed dwellings. This increases to 100sqm for 3-bed dwellings. Even factoring in the depth of the hedging on the rear boundary, 100sqm of outdoor space can be provided. On this basis the siting of the dwelling being considered at outline stage is appropriate, and meets the requirements of the Joint Design Guide.





Scale, height and massing

The dimensions of the property are 13.8m wide, 7.5m deep, and 6.3m high. This is largely unchanged from the previously approved scheme, although the bulk on the western elevation has reduced, by bringing in the roof and garage, and narrowing the width of the footprint. It has been established through P18/V0729/FUL that a dwelling of this scale can be accommodated on the plot. For this reason the scale, height and massing (with a slightly reduced footprint) is acceptable, and responds appropriately to Policy CP37 of the LPP1.



The constrained nature of the site, and proximity to no 45, are however recognised and further development in the form of extensions, roof enlargement and outbuildings would put pressure on the site becoming overdeveloped, and access and amenity being compromised. For this reason it is recommended that permitted development rights are removed for extensions, roof alterations and outbuildings. A planning permission would be required to consider the impact of these proposals.



Residential amenity

The siting of the bungalow continues to be broadly in line with the front elevation features of no 45, as previously approved under P18/V0729/FUL. The separation distance has been increased. The reduction in the massing on the western elevation would have a reduced impact on the amenity of no 45. In this respect the proposed bungalow would have no greater impact on amenity.



The impact on amenity in relation to upper floor windows and overlooking can be considered as a reserved matter. There is sufficient separation distance to neighbouring properties, as shown on the outline layout, for upper floor windows to be designed into a detailed scheme without impacting negatively on residential amenity. The mature hedge along the northern boundary provides screening to the dwellings on Shelley Close, and avoiding upper floor openings on the eastern elevation would safeguard the privacy of nos 61 and 63 Shelley Close – details to be provided at reserved matter stage. The garden of no 49 are already overlooked by no 45, and the siting of the proposed bungalow is set further away from no. 49 towards the end of the garden. The proposed scale, height and massing do not present any principle concerns in terms of residential amenity, and comply with policy DP23 of the LPP2.




Given the constrained nature of the site, and the shared driveway, it is recognised that the construction process would cause disturbance to the occupants of no 45, but for a relatively short period. A construction method statement is recommended to manage the construction process and continued access to the highway.



Heritage impact

The site falls within the Abingdon Northcourt Conservation Area and the setting of 49 Northcourt Road which is a grade II listed building. Section 66(1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 requires a local planning authority to have special regard to the desirability of preserving a listed building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses. Section 72(1) states that special attention should be paid to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of a conservation area.



The scale and siting of the proposed bungalow is largely unchanged from the previously approved scheme, although the footprint has been reduced slightly. The Conservation officer has confirmed that the outline proposal would have no greater impact on the conservation area or the setting of the listed building than the previous scheme. Therefore, it is considered that the proposal accords with policy CP39 of the LPP1, and policies DP36, DP37 and DP38 of the LPP2.



Details have been requested in the form of a schedule of materials and details of any new walls, or hard or soft landscaping specifically at the site entrance. I recommend these are considered at reserved matters stage.



The heritage impact on relation to trees in the conservation area has been considered in section 5.9, and can be appropriately managed by condition.




Access to the existing property at no 45 and the proposed dwelling will be via the existing driveway. Tracking details demonstrate that there is sufficient space for parking and turning on site for both dwellings. In terms of access arrangements, for example crossing land, land ownership and rights of way, this is a civil matter and sits outside the planning process.

The access complies with policy DP16 of the LPP2. 





Technical matters


Waste and recycling collection

There is sufficient space to the front of the site to store, and wheel to the highway, wheelie bins for waste and recycling. (DP28 of the LPP2)



Flood risk and drainage

The site is not located in an area at risk of flooding. There is sufficient space to provide a sustainable drainage scheme without compromise the protected trees. Foul and surface water conditions are recommended to appropriately manage water and waste associated with the dwelling. (CP42 of the LPP1)



Community Infrastructure Levy

The proposed development results in the provision of new residential floorspace and would therefore be liable for a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charge, as set out in the Vale of White Horse CIL Charging Schedule (November 2021). As the amount is dependent on the amount of new floorspace, this will be calculated and secured at reserved matters stage. (CP07 of the LPP1)





The principle of residential development accords with the spatial strategy and the settlement hierarchy, and the location is identified as being sustainable and well-connected. The layout, access and scale of the outline development can be accommodated on the plot without compromising residential amenity, landscape features and the historic environment. The access, parking and turning on site for existing and future occupants conforms to highway standards. Subject to conditions, the outline development complies with the Development Plan and the NPPF.  



The following planning policies have been taken into account:




Development Plan Policies

Vale of White Horse Local Plan 2031 Part 1 (LPP1) Policies

CP01 - Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development
CP03 - Settlement Hierarchy
CP04 - Meeting Our Housing Needs
CP07 - Providing Supporting Infrastructure and Services
CP08 - Spatial Strategy for Abingdon-on-Thames and Oxford Fringe Sub-Area

CP33 - Promoting Sustainable Transport and Accessibility
CP35 - Promoting Public Transport, Cycling and Walking
CP37 - Design and Local Distinctiveness, including design against crime
CP39 - The Historic Environment

CP40 - Sustainable design and construction
CP42 - Flood Risk
CP43 - Natural Resources
CP44 - Landscape


A Regulation 10A review (five-year review) for Local Plan Part 1 (LPP1) has been completed. The review shows that five years on, LPP1 (together with LPP2) continues to provide a suitable framework for development in the Vale of White Horse that is in overall conformity with government policy.



Vale of White Horse Local Plan 2031 Part 2 (LPP2) Policies

DP16 - Access

DP23 - Impact of Development on Amenity

DP24 - Effect of Neighbouring or Previous Uses on New Developments

DP28 - Waste Collection and Recycling

DP36 - Heritage Assets

DP37 - Conservation Areas

DP38 - Listed Buildings



Neighbourhood Plan

The Abingdon neighbourhood plan area was formally designated on 2 March 2022 but the drafting of policies is still in the early stages. A plan is yet to be submitted for examination.



Supplementary Planning Guidance/Documents

South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse Joint Design Guide 2022



National Planning Policy Framework and Planning Practice Guidance

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

The National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG)



Other Relevant Legislation

Human Rights Act 1998

The provisions of the Human Rights Act 1998 have been considered in the processing of the application and the preparation of this report.


Equality Act 2010

In determining this planning application, the Council has regard to its equality obligations including its obligations under Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010.



Other Relevant Legislation

  • Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas Act) 1990
  • Community & Infrastructure Levy Legislation


Author:          Katherine Canavan

Contact No:   01235 422600
